practical magic house

5 most common phrases overheard in the Walker-Weir household

If you happened to be passing by the windows of our home, sitting at the dining room table or listening on the other end of the phone, you’re very likely to hear one of these statements:


1. Get off the table! (Yes, this is directed at the cats, not M.)

2. Sweet dreams. See also: Nighty night, rabbit. (Due to our opposite schedules, we rarely get the pleasure of sleeping in the same bed at the same time.)

3. Kill ’em a lot! (M is a gamer. I slay people in fiction.)

4. Five minutes. (Generally uttered after putting the kettle on for tea. For a snooze request, I ask for 10 minutes.)

5. I love you, my heart. (Also: my own, my love, my sugar plum and sweetie pie. We’re foolish romantics. What can I say?)

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