Good news sticky

A bit of good news I’d like to share

I worry a lot. Not needlessly or aimlessly. I worry with purpose.

For example, I don’t worry about what could happen. I worry about what has happened, what is happening and what’s about to happen.

When you spend your life covering death and destruction, it’s hard not to worry about the state of the world. And if you take a step back from the daily grind of news, peer at the big picture and see very little progress, it can be wearing on the soul. 

World events, natural disasters, personal crisis, Murphy’s Law… they can all wreak havoc on one’s ability to look forward to the future. But since it’s the first day of a new year, I’ve decided to combat my worries with action. As I noted in my list of 2019 goals, I aim to focus on the good.

Which is why I’ve launched A Bit of Good News, a newsletter that features positive stories, inspiring quotations and a few simple pleasures. I hope you will subscribe:

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