
In bed and in your pants

Have you ever played the fortune cookie game? Sure you have! You just add the phrase “in bed” to the end of the message found inside a fortune cookie and it becomes instantly more entertaining.

For example:

You will inherit a fortune… in bed.

You will discover your hidden talents… in bed.

You will live in interesting times… in bed.

There’s another phrase game I enjoy playing, which I first discovered back in 2010. Just grab the nearest book and add the phrase “in my pants” to the end of the title.

For example:

“A Crowd Of Swords”… in my pants.

“The Night Circus”… in my pants.

“An Abundance of Katherines”…in my pants.

Not surprisingly, I received several books for Christmas this year. And because I know you’re curious, I decided to share the titles that showed up under my tree:

“Naming the World”… in my pants.

“Letters of E.B. White”… in my pants.

“The Complete Slow Cooking for Two”… in my pants.

“Write Starts”… in my pants.

and “The Outlandish Companion”… in my pants.

Next time you’re bored and sitting by a bookshelf, give it a try!


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