• Writing - balled up paper

    Quote of the week

    “Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it and, above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light.” –Joseph Pulitzer

  • cake

    Quote of the day

    “When I was growing up, I thought all cakes started in a cake mix box. If there was a cake to be made in my house, I was pretty sure Betty Crocker had something to do with it.” –Lu Ann Cahn

  • Quote of the week

    “We have done things for which I will never forgive us, but we create more than we destroy. That’s gotta be the goal, to destroy less and to create more. To increase awesome and decrease suck — that’s what I believe in.” —Hank Green

  • You Are Here

    ‘LOST’ in thoughts of quiet desperation

    “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” –Henry David Thoreau

    M and I recently started binge-watching the series “Lost.”

    I saw the first season when it originally aired, and I enjoyed it muchly. Then when work and life intruded, I decided to wait until the entire series was available online to view the rest.

    Back in 2004, I was very taken by the writers’ use of literary symbolism — the white rabbit, the floating Ophelia doll. Now I’m struck by the way the characters are drawn, and how they all seem to live lives of quiet desperation.

    I don’t live this way.

    Yes, my life is perhaps quieter than it used to be. I enjoy the silent solitude of night more than the loud rumblings of the day. And yes, I’ve had my share of troubles and tragedies, illnesses and dramas. Yet overall I feel neither quiet nor desperate. I remember the past. I do my best to live in the moment. I plan for a future, in the hopes that I will be there to meet it.

    How are you living?