• womens protest

    Quote of the week

    “I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.” –Dwight D. Eisenhower

    –Photo by Renaschild

  • Quote of the week

    “I bit my tongue and did not tell my already suspicious friends that the country was also dotted with libraries that provided books to all patrons free of charge. They wouldn’t believe me anyway since I hadn’t believed it myself. My first time in a library in the United States was very brief: I walked in, looked around, and ran right back out in a panic, certain that I had accidentally used the wrong entrance. Surely, these open stacks full of books were reserved for staff only. I was used to libraries being rare, and their few books inaccessible. To this day, my heart races a bit in a library.” —Zeynep Tufekci

  • porch pumpkins

    Quote of the day

    “I mean, how can you not like fall (unless you’re young and have to go back to school – if you don’t like school, that is)? Is it the reasonable, comfortable temperatures? Is it the lack of suffocating humidity? Is it the new TV shows? The better movies? The great holidays? The apples? The increase in clothing options? The switch from laziness to ambition? Were you once attacked by a large pumpkin spiced latte and now the very thought of an October in Starbucks gives you horrifying flashbacks?” —Bob Sassone