• fire


    “In order to rise
    From its own ashes
    A phoenix
    Octavia E. Butler

    –Photo by Valera Taljutov. Used with permission.

  • Journaling

    Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven by W.B. Yeats

    Had I the heaven’s embroidered cloths,
    Enwrought with golden and silver light,
    The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
    Of night and light and the half-light;
    I would spread the cloths under your feet:
    But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
    I have spread my dreams under your feet;
    Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

    (I reread this poem today and was struck once more by its beauty. Just had to share.)

  • Ballot box

    You are powerful

    You are powerful.
    Your words have weight
    and your actions have consequences.

    These powers are often ignored
    by those with the financial wherewithal
    to purchase signs and mailers and TV commercials.

    Yet all the dark money
    and advertised backstabbing
    mean little if you ignore their skewed messages.

    You can abstain from the process
    and remain silently pessimistic.
    Millions will do so, much to their own detriment.

    Or, you can fulfill your duty
    as a patriotic and responsible citizen
    and take a stand for what you believe is right.

    The end result may still disappoint.
    Fears often overwhelm hope
    when the fate of an unknown future is on the line.

    But you are powerful.
    On Tuesday, you will cast a vote,
    and the political world will shift at your might.

    (Poem by Jade Walker. Photo by Wendell Franks)