• Chapter 1

    How to become a more disciplined writer

    At work, I’m on constant deadline. In the rare moments when I’m between breaking news events, I spend my time searching social media, contacting sources and checking out the competition for the next big story. I simply don’t have the time to dawdle.

    When I attempt to write fiction, however, procrastination can sometimes get in the way of productivity. Making stuff up is far more challenging than sharing facts and quotes. There are no looming deadlines forcing me to buckle down. And, frequently, the fear of sucking whirls like a fog through my Nauru-sized imagination.

    To prevent the blank page from mocking me into writer’s block, I simply buckle down and get to work. Here’s how:

    Look for inspiration

    * Read, in your preferred genre and outside of it. Learn how to become a better writer by reading authors who have serious talent.

    * Carry a notebook at all times to store random titles, story ideas, characters and bits of dialogue.

    * Subscribe to The Written Word, a free service that sends a writing- or publishing-related quote to your e-mail box.

    * Subscribe to The 10th Muse. This mailing list offers one or two writing prompts a week, perfect for inspiring your latest journal entry or freewriting session.

    * Speaking of freewriting, give it a try. Sometimes you just need to warm up a bit before diving into your latest writing project. There are plenty of great websites and books offering writing prompts, but I highly recommend “The Amazing Story Generator” by Jay Sacher.

    Eliminate distractions

    * Turn off your phone. Seriously. Don’t just put it on vibrate. Turn it off.

    * While you’re at it, shut down the Internet, too. Email, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, these sites are awesome …and total time-sucks. An easy way to hinder your access is to download and use Freedom.

    * Avoid people who do not support your writing. If you grant access to these folks, they will poison your muse.

    Develop a writing routine

    * Timed pop-up reminders encourage me to stand every 30 minutes and stretch. Computer reminders point out upcoming appointments/events. I even have a reminder to alert me to the fact that my tea has finished brewing. Consider setting reminders on your computer to work on your latest project.

    * Try the 100-word challenge. Every day, vow to write 100 words, no less. This practice not only encourages you to develop a daily writing habit, it builds up your confidence and your portfolio. Inevitably, you’ll write more than 100 words; the first 100 will simply clear out the dust bunnies in your brain.

    * If you have a superstition that works for you, indulge yourself. Doing so will put you in a focused frame of mind to create. When I write nonfiction, I do so in my home office. I generally prefer to work in silence. I drink hot tea or pop. When writing fiction, I prefer to work away from my desk. I often listen to playlists specifically designed for the project at hand. And I drink iced chai lattes.

    * Set self-imposed deadlines. I will finish my novel by the end of the year. I will blog five days a week. I will participate in National Novel Writing Month and pen 1,500 words a day for 30 days. Give yourself a goal and start working towards it.

    * Know when to stop. I like to kill off random characters or leave them in a jam at the end of a chapter. That way I have something interesting to ponder for the rest of the day/night. I also like to end my daily writing effort in the middle of a sentence. Sounds odd, but it works.

    Lastly, consider these sage words by John Gardner: “The real message is, write in any way that works for you: write in a tuxedo or in the shower with a raincoat or in a cave deep in the woods.”

    Just write!

  • Upcoming event in Keene, NH

    If you’re free on Wednesday night (Sept. 17) and interested in discussing any and all things related to writing/publishing/journalism, I’ll be speaking to the Among the Elms writers group at the Toadstool Bookshop (222 West St., Keene, N.H.). The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.

  • blue hourglass

    The week that was

    The late, great speculative fiction writer Jay Lake used to write these wonderful story roundups on his blog that he called Link Salad. The feature was basically just a bunch of links to stories that had caught his eye during his daily/weekly Internet wanderings.

    I know that many of you follow me on other social media outlets, where the sharing of stories is something that I do with gusto. But I’ve received a general complaint about these posts: Both Facebook and Twitter make it so hard to find ’em. That’s where “The Week That Was” comes in. In this feature, I’ll highlight a handful of my favorite shares from the previous week, just in case you missed them the first time around.

    And here we go:


    Syria Suffers Record Death Toll – Syria’s three-year civil war has already killed more than 170,000 people, nearly a third of them civilians.

    Ukraine Rebel Chief Igor Bezler Threatens To Execute Interviewer – When interviewing a rebel leader nicknamed “the Demon,” don’t be surprised when he goes on a rant that suggests shooting the messenger.

    NRA Member Who Lost Sister To Gun Violence Tearfully Asks Senate To Protect Women – American women account for 84 percent of all female gun victims in the developed world, and more than a quarter of female homicide victims in the U.S. are killed by an intimate partner.

    2,500 Ground Zero Workers Have Cancer – The grim toll has skyrocketed from the 1,140 cancer cases reported last year.

    Homicide Victims’ Families Seek Justice, Retribution And Closure From Death Penalty – An AP reporter decided to talk to murder victims’ families about capital punishment. This is a side of the story that is rarely shared.

    In Push To Protect Big Coal, Alabama Officials Say New EPA Regulations Violate God’s Will – “I hope all the citizens of Alabama will be in prayer that the right thing will be done,” Alabama Public Service Commission President Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh said, calling on Alabamians to pray for a divine intervention.

    California Drought Reaches A Terrifying Milestone:

    california drought

    (Image by U.S. Department of Agriculture)


    Margot Adler, NPR Journalist And Pagan Activist, Died At 68 – Her book “Drawing Down the Moon” launched me on a spiritual journey when I was a teenager.

    Josefa A. Platzer, Founder Of Jo’s Cafe, Died At 81 – This is the first obit that actually made hungry.

    Carlo Bergonzi, Italian Tenor And WWII POW, Died At 90 – Can’t say I’m a huge fan of opera. However, Carlo had some serious pipes.


    Hope For Paws Rescues Abused Pit Bull – These vids have the unique ability of simultaneously making me hate humanity and love people.


    “Don’t think that if we’re all good girls, if we’re properly meek, if we don’t provoke our men, we’ll be safe. Good girls get hurt all the time. We are not the problem. I refuse to quietly accept that there is one set of rules for how men live and another set of rules for how women live. And still, at night in a dark parking lot, I will walk to my car with my keys splayed between my fingers like blades. Ain’t that some shit?” –Roxane Gay

    (Photo by Mishooo. Used with permission)

  • Online News

    My so-called digital life

    It’s hard for me to believe, but this blog has been around for nearly 20 years. It debuted on AOL’s servers in the mid-1990s and has gone through more makeovers than I can count. Jaded Writings has provided me with a platform to share my thoughts and to connect with people all over the world. For those who take the time to read these posts, I thank you.

    Many readers also follow me on social media, and they’re often surprised to find that the content I post changes depending on the outlet. For example, on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, I like to share links to news stories/features that catch my eye. I’m far more likely to respond to friends’ Facebook posts with likes/comments because they are people I know personally. On Twitter, however, I tend to share/favorite tweets from colleagues or professionals who are influential in their various fields.

    On Tumblr, I publish content on a wide variety of topics. For Aftherthoughts, I post interesting news stories along with images that reflect my personality. On Eccentric Employment, I run want ads for people seeking odd, unique or interesting job opportunities.

    My love of reading is featured on Hooked From The First Page, where I highlight books with catchy opening lines, and on the No-Good, Very Bad Title Blog, where I celebrate books that have terrible titles.

    When I have time to write proper obits, I post them on The Blog of Death. I turn to The Obituary Forum, a blog for The Society of Professional Obituary Writers, to share news items about the profession of writing about the dead. And on The Blog of Death’s Tumblr, I link to news stories about dying, grief, the death industry and cemeteries.

    So where do I find all this content?

    I read. A lot.

    Here is a quick snapshot of my digital life: (à la NPR Digital Services):

    3 daily must-reads

    I can’t name just 3. How about 10?

    * The New York Times
    * The Huffington Post
    * NPR
    * The Washington Post
    * Los Angeles Times
    * Facebook
    * Twitter
    * Poynter
    * Romenesko
    * Muck Rack Daily

    3 people you follow (online) regularly

    * My husband
    * Writer Litsa Dremousis
    * Journalist John R. Platt

    First thing you check in the morning

    The blinds, to see if the sun is still out. When I finally get around to turning on my computer, though, the first thing I check is my email. Then I hit Fitbit.com.

    Last thing you check at night

    A book on my Kindle or the latest print novel I’m reading.

    Favorite news consumption time saver

    Twitter lists.

    Go-to local news source

    NHPR or VPR or NECN.

    Your most used mobile reporting tool or app

    News alerts from Breaking News and The Associated Press

    Words of wisdom for news organization as they go forward with their digital efforts

    It’s great to be first. Aim for that. But it’s better to be right.

  • Laptop and notepad

    Quote of the week

    “News is what someone wants suppressed. Everything else is advertising. The power is to set the agenda. What we print and what we don’t print matter a lot.” –Katharine Graham