• piano

    I am resolved

    [socialpoll id=”2322607″]

    (In case you’re wondering, I’m still on course. You can follow my musical exploration progress on Twitter all month. Suggestions are also welcome.)

  • Lightbulb moment

    And so it begins…

    Here it is, my friends: a new day, a new month and a new year. I know some people complain about how we, as a collective, simply accept when a year debuts, but I’ve always appreciated having a clearly defined moment to make a fresh start with calendars and resolutions.

    As I mentioned in a previous post, I intend to spend more time this year working on my fiction. Making stuff up is so much harder than reporting what’s actually happened, and it’ll be an uphill climb to get my imagination in shape. However, I’m determined to give it the old Girl Scout try.

    Another one of my goals is to engage in a series of 30-day experiments. The purpose of this activity is twofold — to build up my discipline levels and to explore new interests. Here’s the current game plan (subject to change, of course):

    January – Listen to a new song every day
    February – Walk for at least 20 mins a day
    March – Meditate for 15 mins a day
    April – Read a new poem every day
    May – Write a blog post every day
    June – Go vegetarian at least one meal a day
    July – Take a photo every day
    August – Record all of my dreams
    September – Write a postcard or letter every day
    October – Try a new recipe every day
    November – Write a new poem every day
    December – Perform an act of kindness every day

    In case you’re curious, today’s song is “Escape Artist” by Zoë Keating:

    If you have any additional song suggestions, feel free to send ’em. I’m pretty open to any genre.

    Lastly, in honor of new beginnings, I have redesigned my website. I hope you like it as much as I do.

    Happy New Year!

  • 5 true confessions of a jaded mind

    * I can recite every line of “The Parent Trap,” “Better Off Dead” and “Pretty in Pink” from memory.

    * I believe that kitty toes are cuter that human toes.

    * I am far more likely to buy individual songs than albums. Alternatively, I prefer to purchase short story collections over individual tales.

    * I tend to savor food, particularly when I’m eating out, so it drives me a bit mad when wait staff in restaurants try to remove plates from the table before I finish my meal.

    * After 24 years in the news business, I still try to make a difference.

  • Dreams of musical genius

    While playing a board game with friends, I was asked: If you could learn to perform one piece of music on a guitar, which song would you choose?

    Tough question, right? There are just so many wonderful choices. In the end, I narrowed it down to these two:

    “Classical Gas” by Eric Clapton

    “Big Love” by Lindsey Buckingham

    But after additional consideration, I’d also add “Mario Takes a Walk” by Jesse Cook to the list.

    Which one do you like?