• Making Xmas list

    Let the wild rumpus start

    November is here — the damn elections are mostly over — and so begins the wondrous time of year involving comfort food, friends/family, music, light, snow, presents, holiday specials and (hopefully) goodwill toward others.

    Despite the madness of the past few weeks, I’m happy to say that I’ve made a serious dent in my holiday checklist:

    ✓ Make birthday/Christmas wishlist
    ✓ Buy Christmas wreath
    ✓ Buy Christmas cards/stamps
    ✓ Make the shopping list for Thanksgiving
    ✓ Request Xmas card addresses
    ✓ Finish Christmas shopping
    ✓ Shop for Thanksgiving dinner
    ✓ Shop for Christmas cookie ingredients
    Start baking!
    Prepare Thanksgiving feast
    Bake birthday cake
    Celebrate my 45th birthday
    Decorate the house for the holidays
    Write the Christmas letter and cards
    Buy any last-minute gifts
    Wrap all of the presents
    To the post office!
    Make the shopping list for Christmas
    Order roast beast
    Shop for Christmas dinners
    Keep baking!
    Buy Christmas trees
    Decorate Christmas trees
    Celebrate Yule
    Light the luminaries
    Go on our annual Christmas Eve drive of lights with the late, great Stuart McLean
    Prepare Christmas feast

    Are you ready for the holidays to start?

  • christmas carolers

    Quote of the week

    “‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ is the most demanding song ever. It starts off all nice and a second later you have an angry mob at your door scream-singing, ‘Now bring us some figgy pudding and bring it RIGHT HERE. WE WON’T GO UNTIL WE GET SOME SO BRING IT RIGHT HERE.’ Also they’re rhyming ‘here’ with ‘here.’ That’s just sloppy. I’m not rewarding unrequested lazy singers with their aggressive pudding demands.” —Jenny Lawson

  • How to have a stress-free Thanksgiving

    I’m here to let you off the hook.

    With all of the natural disasters, political strife and mass shootings, 2017 has been stressful enough. There’s no reason Thanksgiving should fill you with additional dread. This can be the easiest of holidays; all you have to do is eat, drink and be grateful. I’m going to show you how to make that happen.

    First, avoid any article or tweet or Facebook post that refers to the holiday as Thankspocalypse or #Stressgiving. There are serious issues in the world, my friends, but Thanksgiving isn’t one of them.

    Expect the occasional hiccup. Of course traffic will be bad (enjoy the ride by listening to some great podcasts). Oh no, that lady snagged the last can of cranberry sauce (well, perhaps you could try making your own). Yes, your turkey might be a bit dry (that’s what gravy is for). Hell, one year, we got hit with a blizzard on Thanksgiving and lost power for the entire day. There will always be events you can’t control. As the Brits say, just keep calm and carry on.

    Thanksgiving is the perfect time for appreciating family and friends so invite the people you want to see at your table. Open your home to those in need if you can, but there’s no reason to invite 90 people to dinner when half of them will drink too much or start fights over politics.

    Present a relatively clean house, but don’t freak out if it’s not spotless. Simply greet guests with a smile, a beverage and a snack to tide them over until the big meal. They’ll appreciate any efforts you’ve made, particularly since visiting your house means they don’t have to host guests at their own.

    If you’re visiting a friend or relative’s house for Thanksgiving, be gracious. Don’t point out flaws or instigate arguments. Call in advance and offer your assistance. Be willing to provide items like extra ice, forks or Tupperware. If you’re told to just come as you are, then bring along a small token of your appreciation like a bottle of wine or a bouquet of flowers.

    Alone on Thanksgiving this year? That’s perfectly fine, too. Spend the day eating what you want and relishing the fact that your life is relatively drama-free. Or, volunteer to serve the needy. The best way to count your blessings is to serve those who are struggling.

    Speaking of struggles, the holidays are often difficult for those who are ill or caring for sick family members. Others have experienced deep loss (death, jobs, homes, etc.) this year and won’t be in the mood to celebrate. Do invite these folks to your parties; just understand if they take a pass or are unable to muster up much cheer. And if they can’t visit, drop off a pie. Pie is always a comfort.

    Some people will have to work on Thanksgiving. When you encounter them during your travels, take a moment to thank them and share your bounty. Leave fresh stacks of magazines in hospital waiting rooms. Drop off boxes of cookies at the local firehouse or police station. Double your server’s tip after a good meal. It’s always nice to be noticed, particularly when you feel invisible.

    For my fellow cooks and bakers tackling the Thanksgiving feast, make what you want. Seriously. There is no need to suffer through turkey trauma. Try new recipes or stick to the old tried and true favorites, but dinner is your domain. Cook a turkey — or don’t. Maybe you’re not a fan of the bird or can’t afford one. No worries. Thanksgiving spaghetti is yummy, too. Anyone who demands a specific dish is more than welcome to make it. But if you’re in the kitchen, you’re the boss.

    Cooking for people with dietary restrictions? Feel free to have a go at creating something that will suit their palates. Light knows they’ll appreciate your efforts. Or, suggest they bring a dish that everyone can try. No preaching is necessary when a gluten-free or vegetarian dish rocks the taste buds.

    Also, serve the food any way you like, be it at a large table or buffet style. And toss any thought of Martha Stewart right out the window. Your table should be laden with good food and surrounded by people you love. It does not need to be Instagram-worthy. Sure, pull out the nice china or the gravy boat you received at your wedding and rarely use. Just don’t freak out if your tablecloth is looking a bit worn or your centerpiece is a bowl of fruit. No one is going to hop on Facebook after dinner and write: “That was the best meal of my life but those place cards were so 1987.” If they are the type who do so, unfriend ’em immediately.

    As for technology, have a ban bowl or basket ready. During the meal, no one should be checking their news feeds or searching for the latest football scores. You can connect virtually anytime of the year; on Thanksgiving, you have the opportunity to be with the people you love. Worried that guests will freak about this one-hour restriction? Then up the ante. Anyone who reaches for their phone during dinner must donate $50 to a charity on the spot.

    Lastly, ignore all marketing related to Black Friday sales. Black Friday is the day AFTER Thanksgiving, not the day of or the week before. Let’s focus on one holiday at a time, shall we?

    As for M and I, we’re having an uncomplicated and stress-free feast for two. Dinner will include turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, biscuits, stuffing, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, cherries jubilee and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. We’ll watch the Macy’s parade and a couple of holiday movies, eat like kings, then celebrate my 44th birthday, which happens to land on Thanksgiving this year. I will be with the person I love most in the world — along with our feline and canine brood — in our new home. There is much to be grateful for.

    “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” –G.K. CHESTERTON

  • November, an update in four parts

    HO-HO, MERRY-MERRY: Normally, I’d be done with my Christmas shopping by now. I start putting my list together in January, begin purchasing items in July and complete the task by November 1st. That way, I don’t have to fight the crowds or worry about the bills that are due, and can just enjoy a stress-free holiday season.

    But as we all know, 2016 was no ordinary year.

    XMAS CARDS: Between the insanity of work, the election, job losses, illnesses, deaths, separations, a long search for a new house and more injuries/accidents/disappointments than I care to count, it’s no surprise that I’m less than jolly and really far behind in my holiday preparations. Although I’ve ordered our Christmas cards, they likely won’t be mailed until the middle of December; in the past, I’ve dropped them off at the post office on Black Friday.

    XMAS PRESENTS: Due to our current financial situation, I’m also culling my annual gift-giving list to a handful people. If you normally receive a present from us, and do not get one this year, please don’t take offense. It’s not a reflection of our relationship status or affection. We’re just completely tapped out from the upcoming move. Hopefully, we can make up for it next year.

    MOVING ON: Speaking of the move, M and I are about to purchase our first home. If all goes as planned, we’ll close on the house during the first week of December and spend the next week moving our stuff across the state.

    Living apart these past few months has been incredibly difficult so you can imagine how excited we are by the prospect of being under the same roof again.

    Neither of us has purchased a house before. Honestly, it’s not something we ever planned to do. But so far we’ve survived the insanity of applying for mortgages, searching the real estate listings, attending dozens of showings/open houses and the process of making — and losing — four bids.

    In the end, we finally landed a house we wanted, and made it through the arduous process of revealing our entire financial history to strangers and dealing with the many deposits, inspections, appraisals, insurance assessments and mortgage proceedings. This week, while I’m packing like a mad fiend, we’ll receive the final bill for closing costs.


    On the plus side, barring any complications, M and I will be spending Christmas in our new home together. Can’t wait!

    –Photo by Vaniatos

  • These are a few of my favorite things (2015 edition)

    The holidays are here again, and everyone is crazy busy. My shopping is nearly done for the year, but if you’re still looking for that perfect gift, let me offer a few suggestions, à la Oprah. Dear readers, these are a few of my favorite things:

    bake mug

    FOR THE TEA DRINKER: White Ceramic Bake Mug

    My favorite mugs are all quite large; they’re the kind you fill with delicious drinks and use to warm cold hands. This mug, which I received for my birthday, is perfect for tea, coffee, cocoa or any liquid you intend to imbibe.


    FOR FOODIES: Farmbox Direct

    Ever thought about joining a CSA? Or perhaps your friends/family just want access to more fresh fruits and veg without the hassle of trekking to the grocery store. Then check out Farmbox Direct. I use this service every other week and I just love it. Not only is the product seasonal and organic, each box also comes with free recipes featuring the included ingredients.

    garlic press

    FOR THE GADGET GURU: Kuhn Rikon Epicurean Garlic Press

    My old garlic press bit the dust this year. America’s Test Kitchen recommended the Kuhn Rikon Epicurean Garlic Press, and after several months of usage, it has not disappointed.


    FOR THE PET LOVER: iRobot Roomba 595 Pet Vacuum Cleaning Robot

    We have a lot of pets, and come springtime, shedding season will begin in force. That’s when you really need one of these ‘bots. Just turn it on, let it run and once the room is hair-free, it’ll return to its base for charging. You can even schedule up to seven cleaning sessions a week.

    fitbit charm

    FOR THE FASHIONISTA: Charms for Fitbit Charge & Fitbit Charge HR

    Dress up your Fitbit with slide-on jewelry created by Mary Beth Neyland. I picked up four of these charms and every time I wear one, I receive compliments.

    back to the future memorabilia

    FOR THE LONGTIME FAN OF “BACK TO THE FUTURE”: “Back to the Future” Paper Prop Set

    Created by Nina Bergeron, these props are the perfect gift for someone who’s a big fan of the time travel flick, “Back to the Future.”

    flannel sheets

    FOR THE INSOMNIAC: Ultrasoft Comfort Flannel Sheet Set

    As many of you know, I adore cold weather. One way I know winter has arrived is when I take these flannel sheets from Portugal and place them on the bed (or, to be more precise, when M does so for me). This set is soft, warm and it holds the heat you generate while sleeping.

    wrist rest


    Ease aching wrists with this gel-filled wrist rest. I prefer the 18-inch model, but you can buy a smaller one for typing on a tablet or a bigger one for use with full-size keyboards.

    fran's mint thins

    FOR THE CHOCOLATE LOVER: Fran’s Mint Thins

    Fran’s is, by far, my favorite chocolatier. Whenever I’m in Seattle, I stop by her shop to buy the most scrumptious chocolate mint cookies. Alas, these treats are not available for sale online, but her mint thins are a delicious substitute. The dark bittersweet truffles and the dark salted caramels are divine as well.