• Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    What is the one word you would use to describe your body?

    I thought about this question after watching the above video. My word is: Mine.

    My body can be described positively as soft, rounded and huggable, or negatively as short, fat and occasionally broken. Light knows it’s far from perfect. But this is the body I have. It keeps me going. It helps me live. It is mine.

    So few women feel this way about their bodies, which is unfortunate. Hating your body not only makes you feel miserable on a daily basis, it leaves you vulnerable to emotional, spiritual and physical attacks. You begin to think you’re unworthy or unloveable, that you deserve the cruelty that comes your way.

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Photographer Taryn Brumfitt understands this issue, and is trying to unite women across the globe and inspire them to love their bodies.

    “Women and girls are constantly held back and lead to believe they’re not as good as they should be. Why? Because every day we feel we’re being judged on our appearance and how far away it is from an unachievable ideal,” Brumfitt notes. “Lose weight, reduce wrinkles, fight cellulite; we’re constantly told to fight a battle to be someone other than who we are. Excessive photoshopping, the sexualization of women in the media and advertising campaigns that prey on women’s insecurities — it’s no wonder there is a culture of body loathing and body shaming of epidemic proportions going on in the world.”

    To combat this cultural viewpoint, Brumfitt founded the Body Image Movement and launched a Kickstarter campaign to make a documentary called “Embrace.” The film, which is already fully funded, aims to spread a simple message: It’s okay to Love Your Body.

    As a member of the Nerdfighter community, I spend each day trying to decrease the overall level of world suck. I supported Brumfitt’s project because I think it has an excellent chance of doing so.

  • graduation

    A hypothetical commencement address

    To date, no university has invited me to provide a commencement address. However, if I did receive such an honor, I’d probably give the shortest speech ever. It would go a little something like this:

    “Greetings and salutations, everyone.

    I know that all of you are eager to grab your diplomas and hit the road, so I will keep this brief. As you head out into the real world, just remember three simple things:

    1. Try to find a job that fits your body’s clock. If you’re a night owl, work at night. If you’re more of a lark, do days. In a 24/7 world, both shifts need people who are determined, focused, creative and awake. Work against your body’s clock at your own peril. Trust me, it’ll kill you.

    2. Speaking of death, every single one of you is going to die someday so try to live an obit-worthy life. Follow your passions. Work hard. Love well. And help others.

    3. Always end meals with a little sweetness. A piece of chocolate. A slice of pie. Maybe some tea, with two lumps of sugar. When you finally give up the ghost, you won’t regret having done so.

    Congratulations, class of 20XX. Carpe noctem!”

  • piano

    The music in me

    Music has always been an important factor in my life. When I was a child, elementary school students in Illinois had to take music lessons (art too) several times a week. These classes involved learning how to read music and singing in a chorus. In the fourth grade, I was taught to play a recorder. The following year, my music teacher encouraged me to pick up an instrument. I chose the flute.

    Yes, dear friends, I was a flutist.

    Once I reached junior high, I had learned the instrument well enough to play in the school band. That’s when the competitions began. For those who’ve never participated in school band, the seating placement is often determined by talent and skill. Some teachers will simply assign you a chair based on his/her assessment of your abilities, but others will actively encourage students to improve their skills by competing for a chair.

    The person who won the competition became 1st chair, and received the grand prize of playing all the solos. Sitting second chair meant your humiliation was on display for all to see; that’s right, you weren’t good enough to solo, but you do have to sit next to the winner and lament your lack of talent. In the flute section, second chair players received a consolation prize: the opportunity to play the piccolo (same fingerings as the flute, just a lot smaller).

    Being the competitive sort, I spent many an afternoon practicing for these contests. I was bound and determined to sit first chair, and for most of junior high, I did so. But when I reached high school, I met my match. Holly was not only a great flutist, she was also an experienced pianist. To her, playing music was as natural as breathing.

    Now I was friends with Holly — we obviously had similar interests — but in the band room, she was my musical nemesis, and every time the teacher held chair competitions, I would try so hard to beat her. Every time, I failed. Which meant, for most of my freshman and sophomore years, I sat second chair and played the wee piccolo while Holly enjoyed her spotlight seat and wowed audiences with her stunning solos.

    During my sophomore year, however, the band teacher decided to bulk up the orchestra. He asked the top student musicians in the band to either play their own instrument or tackle a new one. Knowing I would never beat out Holly for the flute spot, I volunteered to try something new. The band teacher assigned me to the timpani. At first I was taken aback. What the heck did I know about percussion? And why would I want to play an instrument that put me all the way in the back of the room? But then, I figured what did I have to lose? There was only one timpani player in the orchestra so I was automatically first chair!

    I’m glad I did. During the final concert, we performed the finale of the “William Tell Overture” (we even donned Lone Ranger masks, much to the audience’s delight), and since I was on the timpani, I got to lead the drum charge. It was a blast.

    That same year, my mother obtained a piano and began to take lessons. She’d always dreamed of teaching music lessons but that dream was deferred by an unexpected teen pregnancy, marriage and two serious roadblocks: She couldn’t read music nor play an instrument.

    Learning these two skills was quite difficult for her, and she often found herself sitting at the keys, utterly frustrated. This frustration only increased when one day, I decided to give the piano a try. I already knew how to read music, and learning the keys from her books wasn’t too arduous. After a few weeks of listening to me play, however, she threw in the towel and stopped practicing. Then she quit her lessons entirely, and signed me up for weekend piano classes. I loved ’em.

    After we moved to Florida at the end of my sophomore year, I was forced to make an important decision: play in the school marching band or study journalism. As you can imagine, journalism won out. Although I continued playing the piano at home, I eventually stopped studying music once I left for college. Without an instrument at hand, I couldn’t practice.

    Twenty years later, I once again have a piano in my home. My dear friend Mary decided to unclutter her Manhattan apartment, and offered me the use of her digital keyboard. Now that I’ve begun taking lessons via Youtube and Playground Sessions, it’s surprisingly wonderful to have music back in my life.

    I’ve missed it so much.

    (Photo by Cazgdesign. Used with permission.)

  • Scale

    Hungry for truth, fed up with misinformation

    “Fed Up” is a new documentary from broadcast journalist Katie Couric, Oscar-winning producer Laurie David (“An Inconvenient Truth”) and director Stephanie Soechtig. According to the film’s official trailer on YouTube: “This is the movie the food industry doesn’t want you to see. FED UP blows the lid off everything we thought we knew about food and weight loss, revealing a 30-year campaign by the food industry, aided by the U.S. government, to mislead and confuse the American public, resulting in one of the largest health epidemics in history.”

    The film, which opened on Friday, examines the epidemic of obesity, the soaring rate of people who have (or will someday soon have) Type 2 diabetes, the increase in portion sizes and the additives included in processed food. For example, more than 75% of the sodium Americans consume can be traced to processed and restaurant foods; only a small amount is added during cooking or at the dining room table. Of the 600,000 food items in the average American grocery store, 80% have been spiked with extra sugar. These additives make our bodies crave similar foods, which means we’re becoming chemically wired to want things that make us unhealthy.

    “Sugar in excess is a toxin, unrelated to its calories. The dose determines the poison,” Dr. Robert Lustic, professor of pediatrics at UCSF wrote. “Like alcohol, a little sugar is fine, but a lot is not. And the food industry has put us way over our limit.”

    What’s worse, many of the unnecessarily over-sugared and over-salted items eaten by American consumers aren’t even real food; they’ve been manufactured in labs at big agribusiness firms and processed food companies, and approved for sale by the U.S. government.

    According to USA Today, the thing that’s made “Fed Up” so contentious is “its assertion that much of America’s weight problem is not the public’s fault. Instead, the film takes aim squarely at the snack food industry, which it accuses of getting consumers hooked on processed and fast foods with school tie-ins, deceptive ad campaigns and duplicitous health studies.”

    “I think that one of the ways that manufacturers get us to buy ‘convenient’ foods by making us think it is too inconvenient to buy whole foods, or to put a little effort into what you are eating,” Couric told Rolling Stone. “…This is the first generation that will live a shorter life span. That’s an unconscionable legacy we are leaving to our children. We need to make some changes to our own lives, but also try to demand changes on a much bigger level.”

    I’d never even heard of the film “Fed Up” until I read this story about the underhanded tactics of the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), the food industry’s lobby. Threatened by the movie’s premise of showing how Americans “are being brainwashed at an early age by the food industry, and the power of that lobby to prevent our legislators from making any meaningful changes,” the GMA created a website called FedUpFacts.com that looks eerily similar to the film’s official site. However, this stealth site contains “facts” that are bought and paid for by the food and beverage industry. The GMA even went so far as to buy Google ads for search terms related to the movie — including its title — that would lead consumers interested in learning more about “Fed Up” and their clients’ nefarious actions to FedUpFacts.com.

    While underhanded and manipulative, this campaign is not exactly out of character. These lobbyists seem to thrive on keeping American consumers in the dark.

    Earlier this week, Vermont became the first state in the U.S. to require the labeling of genetically-modified foods. More than 60 other countries already require such labels, but previous efforts to pass similar legislation in the states have been beaten down by the GMA and its wealthy clients.

    Although the law did pass in Vermont, the food and agriculture industries, including the makers of genetically-modified corn, soybeans, canola and other crops widely used in processed and packaged foods, plan to sue to stop its implementation. The GMA has also joined forces with BIO, a trade group whose members include Monsanto Co., Dow AgroSciences, a unit of Dow Chemical Co., and other biotech seed companies, to back a proposed federal law that would nullify Vermont’s labeling law and any other mandatory labeling of GMOs in the U.S.

    The GMA’s position is clearly noted on its website: “Consumers who prefer to avoid GM ingredients have the option to choose from an array of products already in the marketplace labeled ‘certified organic.’ The government therefore has no compelling interest in warning consumers about foods containing GM ingredients.”

    That’s right. Consumers don’t actually need to know what’s in their food. They should just assume that anything not already labeled contains genetically-modified ingredients.

    When big business (and their lobbyist minions) try that hard to bamboozle the public, my bullshit meter goes into the red. So should yours.

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