Late night ponderings about mocking machines

Street lampSometimes The Blog of Death server mocks me.

I’ll sign into the content management system, in this case WordPress, and attempt to delete the thousands (I kid you not) of spam messages sitting in the “to be approved” queue. For some reason, WordPress or my server Dream Host only allows me to delete 100 messages at a time and so the whole process takes for-freakin’-ever.

When I spend too much time on this task, I receive a server error that says my request is too large.

I hit the back button and try again.

“Your server request is too large.”

I clear my cache and try again.

“Your server request is too large.”

After seeing this message over and over, I start to take it personally. “No, server,” I think, “my request is not too large. Perhaps your capabilities are too small? Or maybe, just maybe, the spammers are too cruel. Did you ever think of that?”

The server does not reply.

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